籍艳, 女, 1979年生,博士,硕士生导师,副教授。2010年毕业于江南大学获得工学博士学位。2008-2009年澳大利亚阿德莱德大学(Adelaide University)访问学者,东南大学博士后。长期从事复杂网络、多智能体、系统辨识、无人船控制、动力定位、机器人协同控制等方面的科研工作。在国内外专业期刊上发表学术论文40余篇,其中SCI检索21篇、EI6篇。其中3篇论文被列为全球前1%(ESI)。承担多个国际杂志的审稿人(《IEEE Transactions》、《International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control》《Journal of the Franklin Institute》等)。2021年荣获国际杂志《International Journal of Control Automation and Systems》最佳贡献奖。主持参加国家级、省部级项目4项,参与863项目1项。主持研究生优质课程1项,横向课题2项。主讲本科生的《电工电子技术》和《电路》课程,主讲研究生的《系统建模与仿真技术》课程。曾获得青岛科技大学青年教师比赛二等奖,多次荣获青岛科技大学先进个人称号,2020年、2021年连续获得青岛科技大学研究生优秀硕士论文指导教师。十篇代表作如下(*代表通讯作者)联系方式:email:yjichina@163.com
3.2021年 IJCAS Contribution Award 2020国际杂志贡献奖
[1] Ji Y*, Kang Z. Three-stage forgetting factor stochastic gradient parameter methods for a class of nonlinear systems. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2021, 31(3): 971-987. February 2021.(SCI,IF=4.406)
[2] Ji Y*, Kang Z, Liu XM. The data filtering based multiple-stage Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm for Hammerstein nonlinear systems. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2021, 31(15): 7007-7025. (SCI,IF=4.406)
[3] Ji Y*, Kang Z, Zhang C. Two-stage gradient-based recursive estimation for nonlinear models by using the data filtering. International Journal of Control Automation and Systems, 2021, 19(8): 2706-2715. August 2021.(SCI,IF=3.314)
[4] Kang Z, Ji Y*, Liu XM. Hierarchical recursive least squares algorithms for Hammerstein nonlinear autoregressive output-error systems. International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 2021, 35(x).(SCI,IF=3.637)
[5] Ji Y*, Zhang C, Kang Z, Yu T. Parameter estimation for block-oriented nonlinear systems using the key term separation. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2020, 30(9):3727-3752. (SCI,IF=4.406)(高被引论文)
[6] Ji Y*, Jiang XK, Wan LJ. Hierarchical least squares parameter estimation algorithm for two-input Hammerstein finite impulse response systems. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2020, 357(8): 5019-5032. (SCI,IF=4.504)(高被引论文)
[7] Ji Y*, Feng Ding, Multiperiodicity and exponential attractivity of neural networks with mixed delays. Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, 2017,36:2558-2573.(SCI,IF=2.225)
[8] Ji Y* Liu X.M, Unified synchronization criteria for hybrid switching-impulsive dynamical networks. Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, 2015, 34:1499-1517.(SCI,IF=2.225)
[9]Ji Y*, Liu X.M.,Ding F., New criteria for the robust impulsive synchronization of uncertain chaotic delayed nonlinear systems. Nonlinear Dynamics 79(1) (2015) 1-9.(SCI,IF=5.022)
[10]Ji Y*, Kang Z,Model recovery for multi-input signal-output nonlinear systems based on the
compressed sensing recovery theory, Journal of the Franklin Institute,2022 (SCI,IF=4.504)